Alcohol Abuse Statistics

Booze abuse, alcoholism, and booze apply disorder (AUD) impale over three meg people each yr, bookkeeping for up to six% of global deaths.

Key Findings


Americans die from the effects of alcohol use every year.


Drinking adults accept AUD.


People increased their alcohol consumption during COVID-19 lockdowns.

Jump to a land: AL | AK | AZ | AR | CA | CO | CT | DE | DC | FL | G | How-do-you-do | ID | IL | IN | IA | KS | KY | LA | ME | MD | MA | MI | MN | MS | MO | MT | NE | NV | NH | NJ | NM | NY | NC | ND | OH | OK | OR | PA | RI | SC | SD | TN | TX | UT | VT | VA | WA | WV | WI | WY

Booze Abuse Statistics

Most American adults swallow alcohol at least once in their lifetime. Among them, 6.7% will develop Alcohol Employ Disorder.

  • 25.eight% of people aged 18 years and older report rampage drinking in the past 30 days.
  • Every twenty-four hours, 261 Americans die equally a result of excessive alcohol use.
  • 80% of these deaths involve adults aged 35 or older.
  • Alcohol causes 10% of deaths among 15- to 49-year-olds.
  • Worldwide, upward to 3.3 million people dice every year as a effect of alcohol abuse.
  • Alcohol-related deaths business relationship for at least five.3% (some estimate equally loftier every bit 6.0%) of the globe's deaths.
  • Alcohol causes 13.five% of deaths among 20- to 39-year-olds.
  • Men are 3 times as probable as women to die as a consequence of alcohol abuse.
  • The World Health Organization (WHO) has adamant excessive alcohol use is responsible for 7.ane% of disease amid males and two.ii% among females.
  • Collectively, Americans lose over 2.7 million years of potential life due to excessive drinking.

Pie Chart: COVID Effect on Alcohol Consumption on NCDAS

Alcohol Abuse & COVID-19

Economists also as healthcare and addiction specialists agree the pandemic and quarantines of 2020 had a significant impact on nationwide alcohol consumption.

  • Online liquor sales rose 262% year-over-yr (YoY) in the first three weeks of March, congruent with most state-wide lockdowns.
  • Liquor shop sales increased 54% YoY during that aforementioned time menstruation.
  • In Apr 2020, YoY alcohol sales were up 234%.
  • In a Johns Hopkins-University of Maryland-Baltimore survey, 60.1% of participants report drinking more booze subsequently March 1, 2020.
  • 34.1% report binge drinking at to the lowest degree one time; 7.0% report farthermost binge drinking.
  • 45.7% written report increased stress as a reason for their increased drinking.
  • Other reasons for increased drinking include increased alcohol availability (34.four%) and boredom (
  • Also in March, 180 people died in Iran afterward consuming homemade booze due to the rumor that it would protect them from COVID.
  • Like deaths occurred in nations where alcohol is illegal and often includes toxins.[one]

causes of alcohol related deaths on NCDAS

Alcohol Abuse & Children

Children aged 17 years and younger are much more than probable to alive with an alcoholic parent than they are to be diagnosed with a learning disability or ADHD.

  • ane.7% of 12- to 17-year-olds have AUD.
  • Females aged 12 to 17 years are 61.five% more likely to have AUD than their male peers.
  • of children 17 years and under live with at to the lowest degree one parent with alcohol use disorder.
  • Among them, 18.7% alive in single-parent households.
  • Children living in unmarried-parent households are 47.half dozen% more than likely to live with an alcoholic male parent than they are an alcoholic mother.
  • 9.3% of unmarried fathers are alcoholic while half-dozen.3% of unmarried mothers are alcoholic.
  • Intoxicated adults are responsible for 150 child deaths every year.
  • Among kids living with substance abusing parents, 86.2% live with a parent who abuses alcohol.

Assay: Emerging Trends in Booze Abuse

The National Establish on Alcohol Corruption and Alcoholism (NIAAA) has identified an emerging trend that it has labeled "Loftier-Intensity Drinking." The definition of High-Intensity Drinking (HID) includes the consumption of "alcohol at levels that are ii or more times the gender-specific binge drinking thresholds".[two]

Due to its status as an emerging trend, there are few peer-reviewed studies. Available data indicate HID is common among binge drinkers and that it is typically associated with special occasions "including holidays, sporting events, and, notably, 21st birthdays."[three]

  • HID behavior peaks at age 21.
  • Between 80% and 90% of 21st birthday celebrants swallow booze.
  • Males are consistently twice as likely to written report excessive alcohol use than females.
  • HID is associated with negative consequences, such as injury and aggression.
  • 12.4% of young adults aged 25 and 26 study at least i instance of HID in within the previous fourteen days.
  • Each year, 97,000 sexual assaults amid American college students involve alcohol.

Alcohol-Related Affliction and Death

Well-nigh 100,000 annual deaths are owing to booze corruption. More than than half of them are due to long-term use.

  • Alcoholic liver disease is the leading killer, causing xix.i% of all alcohol-related deaths.
  • 53.7% of alcohol-related deaths are due to chronic misuse.
  • 52.iv% of chronic misuse deaths are owing to alcohol alone; 47.6% include additional factors, such as other chronic wellness issues or drug abuse.
  • Alcohol poisoning some other leading killer, causing 32% of astute alcohol-related deaths.
  • 22.5% of astute-alcohol related deaths are due to suicide.
  • Suicides involving alcohol kill more people than car accidents involving booze, which account for sixteen.1% of astute-alcohol related deaths.

National Map charting Underage Victims Among Alcohol-Related Deaths on NCDAS

Alcohol Deaths & Demographics

Alcohol Use Disorder and alcoholism accept damaged some groups or demographics more than than others. Alcohol abuse statistics betoken some inequalities may be due to social workout.

  • 71.4% of booze-related deaths are men.
  • Excessive drinking kills 3,504 Americans under the age of 21 each year; 77.five% of them are male.
  • 34.7% of people who die from alcohol are between the ages of 50 and 64 years old.
  • eighteen.1% of people who die from alcohol are under the age of 35.
  • 58.1% of people killed in alcohol-related machine crashes are between the ages of xx and 34 years old.
  • 50- to 64-year-olds are more than twice equally likely to die from chronic alcohol corruption than from acute alcohol-related causes.
  • Teenagers who die from alcohol are over fifty times more likely to die from acute causes, such as suicide or motorcar accidents, than of chronic weather such as liver disease.
Alcohol-Related Deaths past Land
State Total Deaths % Under 21
Alabama i,504 iv.5%
Alaska 297 iv.7%
Arizona 2,629 3.0%
Arkansas 923 4.0%
California 11.0K 3.3%
Colorado 1,821 iii.two%
Connecticut 913 3.4%
Delaware 278 4.3%
District of Columbia 219 4.6%
Florida 6,903 three.0%
Georgia 2,637 4.two%
Hawaii 349 3.4%
Idaho 493
Illinois 3,391 four.9%
Indiana 1,946 4.0%
Iowa 841 3.ane%
Kansas 764 4.i%
Kentucky 1,552 3.2%
Louisiana 1,591 5.3%
Maine 427 ii.iii%
Maryland 1,505 4.4%
Massachusetts one,744 2.8%
Michigan 3,205 iii.ix%
Minnesota 1,343 3.1%
Mississippi 954 four.9%
Missouri 1,913 4.7%
Montana 416 3.half-dozen%
Nebraska 460 iv.1%
Nevada 1,051 ii.nine%
New Hampshire 421
New Jersey 2,016 3.7%
New Mexico 1,145 two.9%
New York 4,473 3.ii%
N Carolina ii,876 3.8%
Due north Dakota 216 3.7%
Ohio 3,674 iii.5%
Oklahoma 1,497 3.8%
Oregon 1,508 2.1%
Pennsylvania three,843 three.eight%
Rhode Island 339 2.4%
South Carolina ane,679 4.3%
Southward Dakota 283 four.half dozen%
Tennessee ii,151
Texas seven,245 four.8%
Utah 686 iv.2%
Vermont 203 2.5%
Virginia two,011 three.7%
Washington ii,214 2.8%
Due west Virginia 738 two.4%
Wisconsin 1,737 3.2%
Wyoming 237 three.8%

U.S. Map: Alcohol-Related Deaths per 10,000 Adults on NCDAS

Alcohol Abuse & Death by State

State-level data from the Centers for Illness Control (CDC) reflects trends as they were in the first half of the 2010s. More recent data is available from some individual state agencies; collection methodology is not uniform, yet.

  • The CDC collected state-level information regarding booze consumption from 2011 to 2015.
  • Country averages will not necessarily equal the national average due to population variations.
  • State totals exclude territories and unspecified residency and will not necessarily equal the national total.


Alabama has a high rate of under-21 deaths.

  • 1,504 annual deaths owing to excessive alcohol use.
  • 71.7% of these deaths are male.
  • 45.1% of deaths are due to chronic causes, such as Alcohol Use Disorder.
  • 78.0% of deaths are 35 years sometime or more.
  • iv.5% are under 21 years quondam.
  • The CDC estimates 46,347 years of total potential life lost to alcohol.
  • Alabama averages one alcohol-related death for every 2,538 people over 18 or iii.ix deaths for every ten,000 adults.


Alaska has the nation'south second-highest number of alcohol-related deaths per capita. It also sees the highest rate of female deaths.

  • 297 annual deaths attributable to excessive alcohol utilise.
  • 67.iii% of these deaths are male person.
  • 46.1% of deaths are due to chronic causes, such as long-term alcohol abuse.
  • 76.1% of deaths are amidst those 35 years old or older.
  • four.vii% are under 21.
  • The CDC estimates 9,794 years of total potential life lost to alcohol amidst Alaskans.
  • Alaska averages one booze-related death for every i,857 adults over 18 or 5.4 deaths for every ten,000 adults.


Arizona has a high number of alcohol-related deaths compared to its population. The rate of chronic causes is well above average.

  • ii,629 almanac deaths attributable to excessive alcohol use.
  • 70.ii% of these deaths are male.
  • 57.ane% of deaths are due to chronic causes, such as Alcohol Utilise Disorder.
  • 83.5% of deaths are amongst those 35 years old or older.
  • 3.0% are under 21.
  • The CDC estimates 76,039 years of total potential life lost to alcohol in Arizona.
  • Arizona averages 1 booze-related death for every 2,146 adults over 18 or 4.7 deaths for every 10,000 adults.


Arkansas has more booze-related deaths per capita than a majority of states and a higher charge per unit of underage drinking.

  • 923 annual deaths attributable to excessive alcohol use.
  • 72.0% of these deaths are male.
  • 46.viii% of deaths are due to chronic causes, such every bit long-term alcohol corruption.
  • 79.six% of deaths are among those 35 years old or older.
  • four.0% are under 21.
  • The CDC estimates 27,699 years of total potential life lost to booze amid the population of Arkansas.
  • Arkansas averages one booze-related death for every two,511 adults over 18 or 4.0 deaths for every ten,000 adults.


California sees the nation's highest number of booze-related deaths but has a low rate of underage drinking.

  • eleven,026 annual deaths owing to excessive alcohol use.
  • 71.2% of these deaths are male.
  • 60.0% of deaths are due to chronic causes, such as Alcohol Apply Disorder.
  • 84.3% of deaths are amongst those 35 years quondam or older.
  • 3.3% are under 21.
  • The CDC estimates 308,831 years of total potential life lost to booze among Californians.
  • California averages one alcohol-related decease for every 2,777 adults over 18 or three.half-dozen deaths for every ten,000 adults.


Women are more probable to endure booze-related expiry in Colorado.

  • i,821 annual deaths owing to excessive alcohol use.
  • 68.5% of these deaths are male.
  • 56.3% of deaths are due to chronic causes, such every bit long-term alcohol abuse.
  • 82.6% of deaths are amidst those 35 years old or older.
  • 3.2% are nether 21.
  • The CDC estimates 54,564 years of total potential life lost to alcohol among citizens of Colorado.
  • Colorado averages one alcohol-related death for every 2,470 adults over 18 or 4.0 deaths for every 10,000 adults.


Connecticut's alcohol-related expiry rate is 17.9% beneath the national average.

  • 913 annual deaths owing to excessive alcohol utilise.
  • 70.six% of these deaths are male person.
  • 52.1% of deaths are due to chronic causes, such as Booze Use Disorder.
  • 81.8% of deaths are amidst those 35 years old or older.
  • three.4% are under 21.
  • The CDC estimates 26,366 years of total potential life lost to booze amidst residents of Connecticut.
  • Connecticut averages 1 alcohol-related expiry for every 3,108 adults over eighteen or 3.2 deaths for every 10,000 adults.


Delaware has an alcohol-related expiry rate that is lower than average, but the state sees a college rate of under-21 deaths.

  • 278 annual deaths owing to excessive alcohol utilise.
  • 71.2% of deaths are male person.
  • 48.two% of deaths are due to chronic causes, such equally long-term alcohol abuse.
  • 79.v% of deaths are amid those 35 years old or older.
  • 4.iii% are under 21.
  • The CDC estimates 8,445 years of total potential life lost to booze among residents of Delaware.
  • Delaware averages one alcohol-related death for every 2,771 adults over 18 or iii.six deaths for every 10,000 adults.

Commune of Columbia

The District of Columbia has an booze-related expiry rate below the national boilerplate only a high rate of nether-21 deaths.

  • 219 annual deaths owing to excessive alcohol utilize.
  • 71.2% of deaths are male person.
  • 53.nine% of deaths are due to chronic causes, such equally Alcohol Use Disorder.
  • 79.ix% of deaths are amid those 35 years old or older.
  • 4.6% are under 21.
  • The CDC estimates vi,440 years of total potential life lost to alcohol.
  • The District of Columbia averages one alcohol-related death for every two,636 adults over eighteen or 3.8 deaths for every 10,000 adults.


Florida has an elevated booze-related expiry rate but 1 of the lowest rates of under-21 deaths.

  • 6,903 annual deaths owing to excessive alcohol employ.
  • 70.2% of deaths are male.
  • 57.five% of deaths are due to chronic causes, such equally long-term alcohol corruption.
  • 84.6% of deaths are among those 35 years old or older.
  • 3.0% are under 21.
  • The CDC estimates 188,713 years of total potential life lost to alcohol.
  • Florida averages one booze-related death for every two,498 adults over 18 or 4.0 deaths for every 10,000 adults.


Statistics indicate Georgia has a higher rate of underage drinkers than the majority of states.

  • 2,637 annual deaths owing to excessive booze use.
  • 70.8% of deaths are male.
  • 49.8% of deaths are due to chronic causes, such equally long-term alcohol corruption.
  • fourscore.0% of deaths are among those 35 years old or older.
  • 4.ii% are under 21.
  • The CDC estimates 79,017 years of total potential life lost to alcohol.
  • Georgia averages one alcohol-related death for every 3,035 adults over xviii or 3.3 deaths for every 10,000 adults.


Male person alcohol-related deaths in Hawaii are the nation'due south highest.

  • 349 annual deaths attributable to excessive alcohol apply.
  • 75.six% of deaths are male.
  • 54.four% of deaths are due to chronic causes, such as Alcohol Use Disorder.
  • 84.viii% of deaths are amongst those 35 years sometime or older.
  • 3.4% are nether 21.
  • The CDC estimates nine,482 years of total potential life lost to alcohol.
  • Hawaii averages one alcohol-related death for every iii,197 adults over xviii or deaths for every 10,000 adults.


Alcohol-related deaths in Idaho are more than likely to exist older, chronic alcohol users.

  • 493 annual deaths owing to excessive booze use.
  • 70.6% of deaths are male.
  • 56.4% of deaths are due to chronic causes, such as long-term alcohol abuse.
  • 84.iv% of deaths are amid those 35 years onetime or older.
  • three.7% are under 21.
  • The CDC estimates fourteen,099 years of full potential life lost to alcohol.
  • Idaho averages ane alcohol-related death for every 2,715 adults over 18 or 3.7 deaths for every ten,000 adults.


Statistics bespeak Illinois may have a meaning underage drinking problem as it sees the nation'due south second-highest rate of under-21 booze-related deaths.

  • three,391 almanac deaths attributable to excessive alcohol use.
  • 72.3% of deaths are male.
  • 52.4% of deaths are due to chronic causes, such as long-term alcohol abuse.
  • 79.1% of deaths are among those 35 years old or older.
  • 4.9% are under 21.
  • The CDC estimates 100,018 years of total potential life lost to alcohol.
  • Illinois averages ane alcohol-related death for every 2,907 adults over xviii or 3.4 deaths for every ten,000 adults.


Booze-related deaths in Indiana are more likely to involve underage drinkers.

  • 1,946 annual deaths attributable to excessive booze use.
  • 71.1% of deaths are male.
  • 50.0% of deaths are due to chronic causes, such as long-term alcohol abuse.
  • 79.ix% of deaths are among those 35 years former or older.
  • 4.0% are under 21.
  • The CDC estimates 58,407 years of total potential life lost to alcohol.
  • Indiana averages one booze-related death for every 2,653 adults over eighteen or 3.eight deaths for every ten,000 adults.


Statistics signal Iowa is 1 of the nation's leaders in chronic abuse amid its booze-related deaths.

  • 841 annual deaths attributable to excessive alcohol use.
  • 73.ane% of deaths are male person.
  • 59.7% of deaths are due to chronic causes, such equally long-term alcohol corruption.
  • 86.ii% of deaths are among those 35 years sometime or older.
  • are nether 21.
  • The CDC estimates 22,266 years of full potential life lost to alcohol.
  • Iowa averages one booze-related death for every 2,889 adults over 18 or 3.5 deaths for every 10,000 adults.


Alcohol-related deaths in Kansas are slightly more than likely to involve males and underage drinkers.

  • 764 almanac deaths attributable to excessive booze use.
  • 72.9% of deaths are male person.
  • 49.9% of deaths are due to chronic causes, such as Booze Use Disorder.
  • 80.5% of deaths are among those 35 years old or older.
  • 4.1% are under 21.
  • The CDC estimates 22,725 years of total potential life lost to alcohol.
  • Kansas averages one alcohol-related death for every 2,898 adults over 18 or 3.five deaths for every 10,000 adults.


Kentucky is a statistical anomaly with a low rate of underage drinking deaths and a depression charge per unit of chronic causes. This is obviously due to an exceptionally loftier rate of poisoning deaths.

  • 1,552 annual deaths attributable to excessive booze employ.
  • 21.ix% of alcohol-related deaths are ruled poisonings (compared to a national average of 12.four%).
  • 72.2% of deaths are male.
  • 47.7% of deaths are due to chronic causes, such as long-term alcohol corruption.
  • 81.eight% of deaths are amid those 35 years old or older.
  • 3.i% are under 21.
  • The CDC estimates 46,452 years of full potential life lost to alcohol.
  • Kentucky averages ane alcohol-related decease for every ii,234 adults over 18 or 4.5 deaths for every 10,000 adults.


Louisiana has the nation'due south highest rate of nether-21 drinkers amid its alcohol-related deaths.

  • 1,591 annual deaths owing to excessive alcohol use.
  • 73.6% of deaths are male.
  • 43.ix% of deaths are due to chronic causes, such equally long-term alcohol abuse.
  • 75.5% of deaths are amongst those 35 years old or older.
  • five.3% are under 21.
  • The CDC estimates l,180 years of total potential life lost to alcohol.
  • Louisiana averages one alcohol-related death for every two,238 adults over 18 or 4.5 deaths for every x,000 adults.


Maine has one of the nation's lowest rates of under-21 booze-related deaths.

  • 427 annual deaths owing to excessive alcohol use.
  • 72.4% of deaths are male.
  • 57.8% of deaths are due to chronic causes, such equally Booze Utilize Disorder.
  • 87.ane% of deaths are amongst those 35 years old or older.
  • 2.three% are under 21.
  • The CDC estimates 11,375 years of total potential life lost to alcohol.
  • Maine averages one alcohol-related decease for every ii,566 adults over 18 or iii.9 deaths for every ten,000 adults.


Maryland has a high rate of under-21 alcohol-related deaths.

  • 1,505 annual deaths attributable to excessive alcohol utilize.
  • 72.four% of deaths are male.
  • 44.7% of deaths are due to chronic causes, such as long-term alcohol abuse.
  • 76.eight% of deaths are among those 35 years one-time or older.
  • iv.iv% are under 21.
  • The CDC estimates 46,185 years of total potential life lost to alcohol.
  • Maryland averages i alcohol-related death for every iii,129 adults over xviii or 3.2 deaths for every ten,000 adults.


Massachusetts has 1 of the nation'southward everyman rates of under-21 alcohol-related drinking deaths.

  • i,744 annual deaths attributable to excessive alcohol apply.
  • 70.viii% of deaths are male.
  • 57.2% of deaths are due to chronic causes, such every bit long-term alcohol corruption.
  • 83.4% of deaths are among those 35 years old or older.
  • two.8% are under 21.
  • The CDC estimates 49,020 years of total potential life lost to alcohol.
  • Massachusetts averages 1 booze-related death for every three,178 adults over xviii or 3.i deaths for every ten,000 adults.


Michigan has a slightly higher charge per unit of alcohol-related deaths and female drinking deaths.

  • three,205 almanac deaths attributable to excessive alcohol employ.
  • 70.0% of deaths are male.
  • 54.4% of deaths are due to chronic causes, such as long-term booze corruption.
  • 81.7% of deaths are among those 35 years old or older.
  • 3.nine% are under 21.
  • The CDC estimates 92,753 years of full potential life lost to booze.
  • Michigan averages one booze-related death for every 2,446 adults over xviii or 4.1 deaths for every 10,000 adults.


Booze-related deaths are more than likely to involve older, female person, and chronic users.

  • 1,343 annual deaths attributable to excessive alcohol utilize.
  • 69.v% of deaths are male.
  • 56.five% of deaths are due to chronic causes, such as long-term alcohol corruption.
  • 85.0% of deaths are among those 35 years erstwhile or older.
  • iii.ane% are under 21.
  • The CDC estimates 37,011 years of full potential life lost to alcohol.
  • Minnesota averages ane alcohol-related death for every three,229 adults over xviii or iii.1 deaths for every x,000 adults.


Mississippi has a high rate of nether-21 alcohol-related deaths and the second-highest charge per unit of deaths from acute causes.

  • 954 almanac deaths attributable to excessive booze utilise.
  • 74.ane% of deaths are male.
  • 43.7% of deaths are due to chronic causes, such as Booze Use Disorder.
  • 77.9% of deaths are among those 35 years old or older.
  • iv.ix% are under 21.
  • The CDC estimates 29,516 years of full potential life lost to alcohol.
  • Mississippi averages one booze-related expiry for every ii,387 adults over xviii or 4.two deaths for every ten,000 adults.


Booze-related deaths in Missouri are more likely to involve underage drinkers dead from acute causes.

  • 1,913 annual deaths attributable to excessive alcohol use.
  • 73.iii% of deaths are male.
  • of deaths are due to chronic causes, such equally alcoholism.
  • 78.6% of deaths are among those 35 years old or older.
  • 4.7% are under 21.
  • The CDC estimates 58,107 years of total potential life lost to alcohol.
  • Missouri averages ane alcohol-related death for every 2,493 adults over 18 or 4.0 deaths for every ten,000 adults.


Montana has a very loftier rate of booze-related deaths per capita.

  • 416 almanac deaths attributable to excessive alcohol use.
  • 70.0% of deaths are male.
  • 56.7% of deaths are due to chronic causes, such as alcoholism.
  • of deaths are among those 35 years old or older.
  • three.6% are under 21.
  • The CDC estimates 12,289 years of full potential life lost to alcohol.
  • Montana averages 1 alcohol-related death for every 2,019 adults over 18 or 5.0 deaths for every x,000 adults.


Nebraska ranks below average in the rate of booze-related deaths per capita but higher up average in underage deaths.

  • 460 annual deaths attributable to excessive alcohol use.
  • 73.0% of deaths are male.
  • 56.vii% of deaths are due to chronic causes, such as alcoholism.
  • 82.0% of deaths are amongst those 35 years former or older.
  • iv.1% are under 21.
  • The CDC estimates 12,899 years of total potential life lost to booze.
  • Nebraska averages one booze-related death for every three,171 adults over xviii or iii.two deaths for every 10,000 adults.


Nevada'southward alcohol-related death rate per capita is high, merely information technology has a very depression rate of underage deaths.

  • 1,051 annual deaths owing to excessive alcohol utilise.
  • 68.1% of deaths are male.
  • 55.7% of deaths are due to chronic causes, such every bit alcoholism.
  • 84.5% of deaths are amidst those 35 years old or older.
  • 2.9% are nether 21.
  • The CDC estimates xxx,229 years of total potential life lost to alcohol.
  • Nevada averages one booze-related death for every 2,271 adults over 18 or 4.4 deaths for every ten,000 adults.

New Hampshire

New Hampshire has the nation's lowest charge per unit of nether-21 booze-related deaths.

  • 421 annual deaths attributable to excessive booze use.
  • 71.5% of deaths are male person.
  • 58.9% of deaths are due to chronic causes, such every bit alcoholism.
  • 86.v% of deaths are among those 35 years old or older.
  • 2.i% are nether 21.
  • The CDC estimates eleven,389 years of total potential life lost to alcohol.
  • New Hampshire averages one alcohol-related expiry for every 2,623 adults over 18 or three.8 deaths for every ten,000 adults.

New Jersey

New Jersey has the second lowest number of alcohol-related deaths per capita later on New York.

  • 2,016 annual deaths owing to excessive booze use.
  • 70.eight% of deaths are male.
  • 51.ii% of deaths are due to chronic causes, such every bit alcoholism.
  • 80.0% of deaths are amidst those 35 years one-time or older.
  • 3.7% are under 21.
  • The CDC estimates 59,604 years of total potential life lost to alcohol.
  • New Bailiwick of jersey averages one alcohol-related death for every 3,445 adults over xviii or 2.9 deaths for every ten,000 adults.

New Mexico

New Mexico has the highest number of alcohol-related deaths per capita amid all the states; it'south 31.5% higher than Alaska's per capita death rate, which is the nation'south second-highest.

  • ane,145 annual deaths attributable to excessive booze utilise.
  • of deaths are male.
  • 58.6% of deaths are due to chronic causes, such as alcoholism.
  • 82.1% of deaths are among those 35 years one-time or older.
  • two.9% are under 21.
  • The CDC estimates 35,087 years of total potential life lost to alcohol.
  • New Mexico averages ane booze-related expiry for every 1,416 adults over eighteen or 7.1 deaths for every 10,000 adults.

New York

New York has the lowest number of alcohol-related deaths per capita amongst all U.S. states.

  • 4,473 annual deaths attributable to excessive booze use.
  • 71.6% of deaths are male person.
  • 55.8% of deaths are due to chronic causes, such equally alcoholism.
  • 83.1% of deaths are among those 35 years old or older.
  • 3.2% are nether 21.
  • The CDC estimates 124,315 years of full potential life lost to alcohol.
  • New York averages ane alcohol-related death for every three,449 adults over 18 or two.9 deaths for every 10,000 adults.

Northward Carolina

Has a depression rate of booze-related deaths per capita and a low charge per unit of nether-21 deaths.

  • 2,876 annual deaths owing to excessive booze use.
  • 71.two% of deaths are male.
  • fifty.5% of deaths are due to chronic causes, such every bit alcoholism.
  • 81.4% of deaths are among those 35 years old or older.
  • 3.8% are under 21.
  • The CDC estimates 85,199 years of total potential life lost to alcohol.
  • North Carolina averages one alcohol-related expiry for every 2,848 adults over 18 or 3.5 deaths for every 10,000 adults.

Northward Dakota

Alcohol-related deaths in North Dakota are among the most probable to be due to chronic causes.

  • 216 almanac deaths owing to excessive alcohol use.
  • 72.vii% of deaths are male.
  • sixty.six% of deaths are due to chronic causes, such every bit alcoholism.
  • 81.0% of deaths are among those 35 years old or older.
  • are under 21.
  • The CDC estimates 6,402 years of total potential life lost to alcohol.
  • North Dakota averages i alcohol-related decease for every 2,695 adults over eighteen or 3.7 deaths for every 10,000 adults.


Statistics bespeak Ohio's drinking habits are on par with national averages.

  • 3,674 annual deaths attributable to excessive booze use.
  • 71.ane% of deaths are male.
  • l.7% of deaths are due to chronic causes, such as alcoholism.
  • 81.5% of deaths are among those 35 years old or older.
  • 3.v% are under 21.
  • The CDC estimates 106,752 years of total potential life lost to alcohol.
  • Ohio averages i alcohol-related death for every 2,478 adults over 18 or iv.0 deaths for every x,000 adults.


The charge per unit of booze-related deaths per capita is very high in Oklahoma.

  • 1,497 annual deaths attributable to excessive alcohol use.
  • seventy.9% of deaths are male.
  • 49.9% of deaths are due to chronic causes, such as alcoholism.
  • 81.9% of deaths are amidst those 35 years old or older.
  • 3.8% are under 21.
  • The CDC estimates 44,920 years of full potential life lost to alcohol.
  • Oklahoma averages one alcohol-related death for every 2,006 adults over 18 or 5.0 deaths for every 10,000 adults.


Oregon's alcohol-related deaths are amongst the nation's oldest, with chronic corruption the nigh significant crusade of decease.

  • 1,508 annual deaths attributable to excessive alcohol use.
  • 70.1% of deaths are male.
  • 64.2% of deaths are due to chronic causes, such every bit alcoholism.
  • 88.8% of deaths are amidst those 35 years old or older.
  • 2.ane% are under 21.
  • The CDC estimates 39,705 years of total potential life lost to alcohol.
  • Oregon averages ane alcohol-related decease for every 2,224 adults over 18 or 4.5 deaths for every x,000 adults.


Pennsylvania'south alcohol-related deaths are less probable to be due to chronic causes.

  • iii,843 annual deaths attributable to excessive alcohol apply.
  • of deaths are male.
  • 48.three% of deaths are due to chronic causes, such as long-term alcohol abuse.
  • 80.0% of deaths are among those 35 years sometime or older.
  • 3.8% are under 21.
  • The CDC estimates 111,516 years of total potential life lost to alcohol.
  • Pennsylvania averages ane alcohol-related expiry for every two,645 adults over eighteen or 3.8 deaths for every 10,000 adults.

Rhode Isle

Statistics indicate that underage drinking deaths are not a significant event in Rhode Island.

  • 339 annual deaths attributable to excessive booze apply.
  • 70.eight% of deaths are male person.
  • 54.6% of deaths are due to chronic causes, such equally Booze Apply Disorder.
  • 86.1% of deaths are amongst those 35 years quondam or older.
  • 2.4% are under 21.
  • The CDC estimates 9,346 years of total potential life lost to booze.
  • Rhode Island averages one alcohol-related death for every 2,522 adults over 18 or 4.0 deaths for every 10,000 adults.

Due south Carolina

South Carolina has more booze-related deaths per capita than the average state, and those deaths are 18.1% more likely to involve underage drinkers.

  • one,679 annual deaths attributable to excessive alcohol use.
  • 72.two% of deaths are male person.
  • 49.0% of deaths are due to chronic causes, such equally long-term alcohol abuse.
  • 80.2% of deaths are among those 35 years old or older.
  • four.3% are under 21.
  • The CDC estimates l,141 years of full potential life lost to alcohol.
  • South Carolina averages one booze-related death for every 2,404 adults over eighteen or 4.ii deaths for every 10,000 adults.

South Dakota

South Dakota has an elevated charge per unit of alcohol-related deaths per capita and a loftier rate of under-21 deaths.

  • 283 annual deaths owing to excessive alcohol use.
  • 68.ii% of deaths are male.
  • 59.7% of deaths are due to chronic causes, such as alcoholism.
  • 80.2% of deaths are among those 35 years old or older.
  • 4.6% are under 21.
  • The CDC estimates 8,681 years of total potential life lost to alcohol.
  • Southward Dakota averages one booze-related death for every 2,360 adults over 18 or 4.2 deaths for every x,000 adults.


Alcohol-related deaths in Tennessee are much more likely to involve acute causes.

  • 2,151 almanac deaths attributable to excessive alcohol use.
  • 71.5% of deaths are male.
  • 47.8% of deaths are due to chronic causes, such as long-term alcohol corruption.
  • 81.7% of deaths are amid those 35 years sometime or older.
  • 3.7% are nether 21.
  • The CDC estimates 64,392 years of total potential life lost to alcohol.
  • Tennessee averages one booze-related expiry for every 2,473 adults over 18 or 4.0 deaths for every 10,000 adults.


Statistics bespeak underage drinking may exist a significant trouble in Texas.

  • vii,245 annual deaths owing to excessive booze use.
  • 72.7% of deaths are male.
  • 52.3% of deaths are due to chronic causes, such as Alcohol Employ Disorder.
  • 79.0% of deaths are among those 35 years old or older.
  • 4.8% are under 21.
  • The CDC estimates 219,901 years of full potential life lost to alcohol.
  • Texas averages one alcohol-related death for every two,982 adults over xviii or 3.4 deaths for every ten,000 adults.


Utah has the second-highest rate of female alcohol-related deaths and has the highest percentage of deaths due to astute causes.

  • 686 annual deaths attributable to excessive alcohol apply.
  • 67.8% of deaths are male person.
  • 42.3% of deaths are due to chronic causes, such equally long-term booze abuse.
  • 77.6% of deaths are among those 35 years old or older.
  • 4.2% are under 21.
  • The CDC estimates 21,937 years of full potential life lost to alcohol.
  • Utah averages one booze-related death for every 3,318 adults over 18 or 3.0 deaths for every 10,000 adults.


Booze-related deaths in Vermont are average, only nether-21 deaths are amid the lowest nationwide.

  • 203 annual deaths owing to excessive alcohol apply.
  • 70.9% of deaths are male.
  • 63.five% of deaths are due to chronic causes, such every bit alcoholism.
  • 88.two% of deaths are among those 35 years sometime or older.
  • two.five% are under 21.
  • The CDC estimates v,085 years of total potential life lost to booze.
  • Vermont averages one alcohol-related decease for every 2,511 adults over 18 or iv.0 deaths for every 10,000 adults.


Virginia has fewer booze-related deaths per capita than about other states.

  • 2,011 almanac deaths attributable to excessive alcohol use.
  • 71.eight% of deaths are male person.
  • 52.7% of deaths are due to chronic causes, such as long-term alcohol abuse.
  • 81.3% of deaths are among those 35 years erstwhile or older.
  • iii.7% are under 21.
  • The CDC estimates 58,540 years of full potential life lost to alcohol.
  • Virginia averages ane alcohol-related death for every 3,319 adults over eighteen or 3.0 deaths for every ten,000 adults.


Underage drinkers are slightly less common among alcohol-related deaths in Washington.

  • ii,214 almanac deaths attributable to excessive booze use.
  • 68.4% of deaths are male person.
  • 59.7% of deaths are due to chronic causes, such as Alcohol Use Disorder.
  • 86.0% of deaths are amidst those 35 years old or older.
  • 2.8% are under 21.
  • The CDC estimates 60,508 years of full potential life lost to alcohol.
  • Washington averages one alcohol-related death for every 2,690 adults over xviii or deaths for every x,000 adults.

W Virginia

Statistics indicate Due west Virginia has a significant problem with alcohol abuse. Equally with Kentucky, the charge per unit of poisoning deaths is exceptionally high at 25.five%.

  • 738 annual deaths attributable to excessive alcohol apply.
  • 72.viii% of deaths are male.
  • 44.nine% of deaths are due to chronic causes, such as long-term alcohol abuse.
  • 82.8% of deaths are among those 35 years old or older.
  • ii.4% are under 21.
  • The CDC estimates 22,087 years of full potential life lost to alcohol.
  • West Virginia averages one booze-related death for every i,940 adults over 18 or 5.2 deaths for every ten,000 adults.


Alcohol-related deaths in Wisconsin are more than likely to involve older, long-term users.

  • one,737 annual deaths attributable to excessive alcohol use.
  • 70.8% of deaths are male.
  • 57.1% of deaths are due to chronic causes, such as alcoholism.
  • 84.0% of deaths are amongst those 35 years old or older.
  • 3.ii% are nether 21.
  • The CDC estimates 48,122 years of total potential life lost to alcohol.
  • Wisconsin averages ane booze-related death for every 2,621 adults over 18 or 3.8 deaths for every 10,000 adults.


Wyoming has 1 of the nation's highest rates of alcohol-related deaths per capita.

  • 237 annual deaths attributable to excessive alcohol use.
  • 72.two% of deaths are male person.
  • 54.9% of deaths are due to chronic causes, such as long-term alcohol abuse.
  • fourscore.6% of deaths are amongst those 35 years old or older.
  • 3.8% are under 21.
  • The CDC estimates seven,329 years of full potential life lost to booze.
  • Wyoming averages one alcohol-related death for every ane,878 adults over 18 or five.iii deaths for every 10,000 adults.

National Map: Average Potential Life Years Lost per Alcohol-Related Death on NCDAS


  1. National Library of Medicine (NLM), Alcohol and COVID-19
  2. National Plant on Alcohol Corruption and Alcoholism (NIAAA), Alcohol Facts and Statistics
  3. NLM, High-Intensity Drinking
  4. NLM, Alcohol Consumption during the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Cross-Exclusive Survey of U.s.a. Adults
  5. Centers for Affliction Control and Prevention (CDC), Alcohol and Public Wellness: Alcohol-Related Disease Impact Application
  6. CDC, Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)
  7. Substance Corruption and Mental Health Services Assistants, Children Living With Parents Who Have a Substance Employ Disorder
  8. World Health System, Fact Sheets: Alcohol
  9. U.S. Census Agency, Quick Facts Tables
  10. Nielsen, Rebalancing the COVID-19 Effect on Alcohol Sales